1961 - The new "lake" on the ninth hole of the U-M Golf Course with U-M Proette Barb Rotvig pointing out a detail for the Women's City Tournament officials: Agnes Greve (assistant to the tourney chair), Rubie Meanwell (tourney chair) and Monique O'Neal (AAWGA president).
Standing: Mary Weir, Phyllis Bolt, Georgia Rowe
Seated: Elizabeth Courtright, Betty Jane Wilson
1962 - Death Claims Cile Cissel in 75th Year
1963 - Betty Richart
1963 - Rosalie Edwards
1965 Bowling League
Mrs. Bert Lutz, Mrs. Robert Burns, Mrs. Cleon Kern
Women's Golf Tournament
Dottie Wilkins and Del Bitondo putting in First Flight match play
1965 Women's Golf Tournament
Mother/Daughter Teams - Doris and Connie Miller; Laurie and Sis Reynolds
At 13-years-old, Laurie was the youngest player in the tournament's history.
1965 AAWGA Winners
Carol Dixon, Georgia Rowe, Roma Taylor, Barbara Wilutis
1966 - Carol Dixon, Betty Richart, Esther McCleery, Ruth Johnston
Death claims Mrs. Russell Dobson, one of the founders of the Ann Arbor Women's Golf Association.
1967 AAWGA Winners
Isabelle Sartori, Ruth Johnston, Ginny Vass, Barbara Wilutis, Helen Kendall, Betty Richart
A golfer's commentary on the new pond on the ninth hole of the University of Michigan Golf Course.
1968 AAWGA Winners
Betty Richart, Lee Fryer, Dea Clark, Wilma Nielsen, Dee Jones, Carol Dixon
1969 AAWGA Winners
Mary Haskell, Iz Sartori, Jean Livington, Ginny Vass, Ruth Cook, Columbia Robertson